President Ramaphosa's land release push could profoundly help build an inclusive agriculture sector in South Africa

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In his Opening of Parliament Address (OPA) last week, President Cyril Ramaphosa stated that the government, "will increase funding to land reform, prioritise the transfer of state land and improve post-settlement support by strengthening the institutional capacity of responsible structures."

The ANC, DA and IFP leaders are closely aligned on agriculture and thus deserve the support of all stakeholders in the sector

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As the dust settles following the outcome of the May 29 elections and the seventh administration begins its term, the next step will be realigning policy ideas under the Government of National Unity. With respect to agriculture, the major political parties in the Government of National Unity, namely the African National Congress (ANC), Democratic Alliance (DA), and the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP), appear to be broadly aligned in our assessment.

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